Truthbrush Tracker - Helping your kids find independence and you a peace of mind

I don’t know about you but having multiple kids means that I am not on top of everyone as much as I should be.  There are only so many times I can go into the bathroom and make sure everyone is not only brushing their teeth, but doing it well.  Sometimes I need to be in another room cleaning up a mess, helping someone with school work or getting pjs on another kiddo.  I don’t always pay attention past seeing the kids go into the bathroom to “brush their teeth”

Sometimes one might stand in there and pretend to brush or they really do try but miss a lot.  

Brushing your teeth is SUCH an important habit to learn, but even more so is learning to brush them well.

That is where Truthbrush has really really helped our family.

The Truthbrush tracker tracks your kids as they brush their teeth and sends the data to your phone in the app.  A way that you can see how they are doing even when you are away from them home.  AND a way for your kids to learn good habits in daily brushing, along with how to brush better.

“The Truthbrush tracker is a small, decorative device that fits on any manual or electric toothbrush. The tracker records motion activity when the toothbrush is used. This activity is displayed in the Truthbrush mobile application. It displays daily activity like a fitness tracker and includes time of day, brush duration, mouth coverage, and movement analysis. The tracker also has a configurable beep timer to help build proper habits.”

So what about the Hub?  You don’t need a hub to have the tracker work.  You can just open the app while your kid(s) brush their teeth.  But if you have the ability to have wifi in your home or on the go, the hub makes it an easy way for data to be sent to your phone even when you aren’t in the bathroom. It just needs a 2.4GHz connection. 

In other words, it means I can send kids to the bathroom while helping someone else get ready for bed or start their school work and still see how long and how well the brushing is going after the fact.

“The Truthbrush hub is a unit that plugs into any wall outlet. The hub connects to the local Wi-Fi and routes data from all Truthbrush trackers within a 30 ft. range to the Truthbrush service. The hub collects data passively in the background.”

This was the first day we used the tracker. Axle is right handed and we noticed right away that he favors one side over the other. I love that the tracker shows you so much.

This one was just last night. Not only is he getting better at brushing all his teeth but he’s reaching goals and being better at the habit of oral hygiene more each day.

The Truthbrush has truly been a game changer in our home, our WHOLE family! Adults can use the trackers too.

Truthbrush changes the way you interact, coach, and build positive habits with your family. It gives you and your dentist access to clear, accurate data so that you always know if they brushed, for how long and with the right coverage. Having data over time shows patterns that lead to positive improvements, ends the arguments and allows you to focus on what is important; your family’s health.

What I also love is that the Truthbrush isn’t super expensive. It’s a tracker that everyday people like me and you can get, that truly helps our kids in this battle of making sure they have the knowledge to take care of their teeth. If you use this LINK you also will get 10% off anything in the store.