Our Homeschooling Organization Ideas

First off, NEW homeschooling mom here.

But I’ve been wanting to share with all of you, after tons of research like you yourself have done or are doing, this is the system that has worked for us.

We just finished up week 7 today, so I feel I’m able to really say “THIS WORKS!”

Here is what we did:

We first cleaned out the towels and sheet closet, got a nob with a key lock (no way to I want them being able to get to all these supplies when my back is turned.)

homeschooling organization ideas

The lock was a must for us.

The we got on amazon and marketplace and got #allthethings. This being our first year ever, I felt like amazon made so much off us. WOW! I didn’t have a “Barney Bag” before, but now I’ve got a closet full of amazing things to use for crafts.

Homeschool ideas on how to organize it all

So yea, there is a lot that is needed for our classes each week and I was going broke trying to get it all at first. So I decided to write out what supplies each kids class asked for each day of the week. The first on the month I will fill out the whole month. Then I start buying two weeks out. So this Sunday i’ll be buying for the week of August 31st-September 4th. This has made it not seem as extreme and spreads out the spending. Plus I might find out that I don’t need to buy something I may already have. So I just check it off.


This is my saving grace.

My weekly needs at a glance.

This is an idea of what is in our drawers. From crafts to math, and even a drawer just for all of Axle’s textbooks. I try to put things that are alike together such as all the glue, tape, velcro together or all computer paper in one, all construction paper in another.

But my biggest and most helpful “hack” is this file folder box.

As a mom of two in school, a baby that just learned to crawl, who is recovery from ACL surgery, who is Dyslexic, and a first time homeschooling mom. I need it to be easy and not feel overwhelming. This system works for me.

Here is how this works:

Each file is full of seven orange folders (when Lylelynn gets bigger she will have her own color). So if you have day 3 kids, then pick 7 folders of red, green, and blue for example.

The each folder is full of all the work for that day.

So when you are done with that folder you are done with your day.

This helps so much. Because a bunch of textbooks can mental overwhelm you and I personally can’t handle being overwhelmed well. I’ve noticed it really helps Axle too. He will sometimes say, “THATS IT?” Where when we had a bunch of textbooks in the Spring due to COVID school his eyes would get big and you could tell he was ready to stop before he even started.

I did about half of the folders this summer before we started and will we finishing the rest hopefully this next weekend for the rest of the year.

Then once the day is complete I add it all into one folder of finish work for the week and file it away for grading or for any reason I might need it at the end of the school year.

Weekly work to come is in the left photo and the finished work for the week is in the right photo.

That’s it!

It’s a bit of prep work. But the result of being able to grab a folder and sign into class is AMAZING! Then when all is down it goes right into the done folder. I’m loving how simple and organized it is.

Here is my Amazon Storefront to help you get started: